Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm going to think of this as 'Good'

So the other day as I was walking through the school parking lot on my way to the football game, I noticed a woman standing by the opened trunk of her car getting her camera equipment together. HER camera was sporting a honkin' big lens, and since size does seem to matter just as much with camera lenses as among other objects, I paused to pay her an admiring compliment. She was struggling to unscrew a piece off of a tripod without success. She looked at me and said "You look strong; can you get this off?"

Thoughts raced through my head in a millisecond: "Does she equate "Big" with "Strong"? What exactly makes me look strong? Hey, I think that's a good thing." Okay, I would have rather heard, "Hey, you look about 35 and well-conditioned ~ can you get this off for me?"

Alas, I was not able to get the two parts unscrewed.

Today's AttaGirl: I did not sample one stinkin' donut :)

Yoga Kitty Calendar.
I would have bought this calendar if it wasn't such a dinky size. 
I need b i g boxes in my days.


  1. Hi Susan!

    Ya know I had a lady make a similar comment to me a few months back when we were at a campground. I did not take it as a nice compliment and decided I would be fussy with her. I think she was complaining about people walking thru her site to wash their dishes and then said she needs me to act as a bouncer on her spot because I look like I could beat up a few people. OK. Maybe not those exact words, but that was the general flavor. Harumph.

    Congratulations on your superior strength and your self restraint when you probably considered bonking her over the head with the freed tripod.

    Is that kitty doing downward dog? That is just wrong.

  2. Hey Susan - hope all is well. Drop me a comment when you can. Hope breaky is going well.

  3. Yo. Susan. What the hell is up with you? I hope it is something good, but not involving that blasted donut machine.

    How goes breaky?

  4. A new blog and the same happy woman! Missed you!

  5. October 11???? You're even more behind that I am! And I know you...you can't help but write so where is it?
    Sistah Pat
