Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Free Fall

Yesterday I stopped in our restaurant to go over our new breakfast menu with the chef and my husband. I found them gathered around three different breakfast creations; one of them being a plump, fresh-baked croissant with homemade raspberry jam sandwiched 'tween its warm flaky goodness. "TRY this!", my husband gushed, and rolled his eyes up into his head ~ he's neither a gusher or an eye-roller.

What could I say? It was delicious. It also started a downward spiral of continual eating for the rest of the day. As I opened my mouth to take that first bite of the croissant, the hour+ I had just spent at the gym flashed before my eyes. So annoyed at myself.

Fall down seven, get up eight.

And here's how I fill my hours; making flash cards for my teen's latin & english classes. I also attempted to make flash cards of The Elements in the Periodic Table. I drove myself nuts trying to figure out how to print double-sided documents with the correct Element Symbols matching up with the correct names. It can't be done by the likes of me. My brain just can't connect the dots when I try to figure out logic puzzles.

Son has a golf match today so I'll be traipsing over the course (well-doused with bug spray), hiding behind bushes and trees to get that perfect camera angle. I get a kick out of knowing that the boys are holding The Pose when they know they are being photographed. Even the adult coaches were very aware of the camera and held their poses too. Hee!

I got out the crock pot for one of the first chilly days and made a beef stew ~ good! Love that appliance.

Off to the gym to try and find my mojo ~ a good day to you all :)


  1. I've found that the earlier in the day I go off plan, the further I fall:( Sigh. I love using the crock pot too. Dinner in there tomorrow.

  2. Is that saran wrap in your crockpot?

    My husband wanted to know whether or not we were going to do buffalo chicken wing dip for the game this weekend. It is like he and I live on two different planets. We meaning me.

    I heart croissants filled with any sort of something. Even that ratty old hazelnut chocolate spread whose name I cannot come up with (ARGH) is good rolled up inside it. Oh lordy.

    Periodic table. Get a copy of it blank on the internet and have him fill in the symbols and weights or whatever he needs to memorize. Another one he can write out the actual element.

    He already knows 80. Fastest, most revered mama on earth.

  3. Miz. Munch, how, O how can you forget the magical name... "Nutella"? It's long been the cause of a sticky brown index finger (who has time fish out a spoon, er, knife, I mean?) and lapsed judgement on my part. I will never buy it again, until I do, that is. And that there is a crock pot liner ~ my pantry shall never be without a box of them. No scrubbing out pots ~ Ralph Nader and Whozit Gore be damned.
    Just made Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip last weekend for the football game. I used the Frank's Red Hot Recipe, but discovered I was out of Frank's Red Hot Sauce. I must have put that sh*t on everything. Subbed with another hot sauce & my son was onto it the first bite of heaped taco chip. I had a helpful hint to call so-and-so's Mom who makes it really good.

    Karen ~ same here! Seems if I wander off the narrow path late in the day, the next morning I am ready to right my ways, whereas if I start the day with carbs, I'm hungry or craving the whole day.
