Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I copied this post from my old blog because I can.
Gnat-turally Thin

I figured out a new way to battle flab ~ gnats!

Yes, gnats, my friend, can finally make your arms toned and beauticious.

Our son is on the varsity golf team (co-captain, may I brag?) and I volunteered to take photos of the team's matches.

As I trailed the team up and down the hills & vales, I realized I probably could have skipped the hour on the tready this morning. I also realized that the shirt I was wearing was the exact color of our opponents teams shirts, plus, it was extremely muggy & hot. 

A part of my brain also registered the fact that I was the only female for miles around. Men; old, young and and every age in between, abounded. Okay, it's creepy to say that when one of them is your son, but there it is. Fins to the left, fins to the right ~ single ladies, this is a hint ~ take yourself to a golf course.

A sheen of sweat started popping out on my forehead as I clicked away at the boys. Then the gnats discovered me. 

Gnats, great clouds of 'em, were intent on landing anywhere they could on my head. No head orifice was safe. One gnat managed to get through my windmilling arms to land in my eye, which immediately began to sting & water profusely, trashing any make-up that had survived the sweat. Five gnats flew into my left ear and only three came out of my right ear. Gnats set up a carnival in my hair, gnats explored any exposed skin they could find, despite my flailing arms and flapping hands. HOW did the boys stand it? Duh. Bug spray. I must not forget bug spray for the next golf match.

My arms got one heck of a workout though :)

Thar's me boy! 
Far enough away to preserve any humiliation of being pictured on Mom's blog.


  1. Jeez Susan, glad you dumped off 3fat chicks. This is a lot better, plus we get to see your pretty face every time we log on.

    Does bug juice keep gnats off? Every once in a while we get gnats up here. I will have to put some out on the patio for emergencies! And gnat attacks do qualify as emergency.

    How did your boy do?

    Holding your camera to your face and battling gnats over 18 holes - I would imagine there is 500 calories lost. At LEAST. Especially with your (assumed and unadmitted) heavy breathing from all the menfolk wandering around.

  2. Miz Munch, you are making me blush ~ tee-hee!

    I am def getting a can of spray for the next foray into golfdom. I've also heard of people sticking dryer sheets (like Bounce) in their hats. I'm bringing a full arsenal.

    If I had a pith hat with netting I would wear it. (As long as I could before my son either snatched it off my head and winged it into a water hazard, or refused to come out of the club house.)

    The boy felt he could have played better, but overall, our team won the match.

  3. If you get one of those hats you will need a camo suit, knee high socks, a butterfly net and army boots to complete the look.

  4. I saw your blog title over at Munchberry's and had to come see! You're so funny. Glad I foundy you. Even from your little picture I can see that you're no where near haggy! It's the mirror weird?!

  5. Thanks for visiting, Tree Peter, and thanks for the Non-Hag affirmation ~ I'll take every single one of those I can weasel out :0
