Saturday, September 24, 2011


Picking up from my last post as to why oh WHY am I overweight...
 Baking is one of my hobbies.
I love to make food and feed it to the people I love (myself included).

 Lemon Curd Cheesecake. (CHEESEcake, for cryin' out loud)
Challah Bread
 Pumpkin Pie
Homemade Oreos

My Julia Child cookbooks way outnumber my Cooking Light cookbooks. And, sad as this sounds, if I'm cooking from a lighter recipe, I will add full-fat stuff instead of the low fat. Sigh.

My husband owns & runs a restaurant where we make awesome cheesesteaks, pizzas, burgers, wings and the like. I work there occasionally and will soon be there most mornings, as we are planning to open for breakfast in the next couple of weeks. It's our last push to make mulah before we are too old & feeble. Guess what we have! A "Donut Robot II"! That's right, a donut machine that drops the batter into hot LARD, then FRYS them and conveyor-belts them out the other end. OMG. 

So you see, my taste buds are in a constant state of arousal. 
Scrap booking or sewing would be much kinder on my waist line.


  1. OMG - how cruel to put these out here!!

  2. Sorry Karen!
    I went back and added a warning note at top of this entry :~)

  3. Good luck with breakfasting. A big commitment of time and that infernal donut maker! I could not be around that thing. So many things!!!!!! I cannot pound out enough exclamations!

    Your challah looks so lovely. I was unfazed by the oreos when I thought they were whoopie pies, then I read the caption.

    Yeah, bad Munchberry could do bad bad things with that robot. Talk about food porn. Cue the music and the overly yeasted poufy buns.

  4. Yep, oh that donut machine.

    I keep thinking: I used to manage a Dairy Queen for about 5 years and I was able to leave the product alone enough. As a matter of fact, as I refer in my minds eye to my "Slim/Fat Time Line", I was at one of my thinner weights during my Dairy Queen reign :)

    Hopefully, I can practice the same restraints with fresh hot homemade donuts... gasp!
