Friday, September 23, 2011

Fare Thee Well, Three Fat Chicks

After blogging on  3 Fat Chicks for over three years, I have so filled up my allotted space that I can't publish pictures anymore, and I'm a picture kind of girl. Also, I recently noticed that after I would post a new entry, it never appeared on the "updated blogs" list. Basically, except for a few folks that had me bookmarked, I was writing to myself. I already talk to myself, for cryin' out loud. It was getting mighty lonely. At the 3FC site, which is all about weight loss, I felt like I was breaking the rules by writing about stuff other than weight. Here, I feel free to discuss weight, age, men, kids, funny life events ~ my entire life, not just the fatty bits :)

I'll probably write most about weight issues, as I am toting around an extra 45 pounds from the slip of a girl I was when I got married almost 18 years ago. That's about equal to the huge bag of dog food I buy for our lovable mutt, Shadow. I think of this fact every other month as I hoist one of those bags into the cart.

Cripes! How did that happen?

It happened because I enjoyed my pregnancy a bit too much. Extra calcium was taken via Ben & Jerry's and the whole "eating for two" concept was heartily embraced by mommy-to-be me. After I delivered an amazing 9.91/2 lb. baby boy, I waited for the weight to "drop off" as friends & books assured me as I breast fed. Er, nope. Well, I did get down to 140 for a couple of years, and on my 5'7" frame, I was happy. I can't pinpoint why or how, but gradually the weight went up a little every year until here I am, at age 53 and at (just got on the scale first time in months) 179. My 16 year old pregnancy weight.

Onward! Today I did the treadmill for an hour with my neighbor girlfriend. We gab away and suddenly that hour seemed like 20 minutes. I have two friends that go to the same gym, and we try to keep each other spurred on. Some mornings when I feel I don't have it in me, one or another of these women will call and motivate me. Thank you Lord, for friends! The "workout buddy" works out for me.

As for foods, I'm loosely~ and O sister I mean loosely ~ following the South Beach way of eating. If I follow it to a T, I do lose weight, but I sure likes my occasional glass of wine.
Experimenting with the picture thingie. These are two of our three critters: Dinah the cat & Shadow the dog. Dinah is the boss. Humm, that was easy.


  1. Welcome to your new home:) I loosely follow SB too. Maybe I'd be on track more if I was not sooo loose!

  2. Ho! My very first visitor! Thanks for comin' by Karen.
    I find that the looser I follow SB, the tighter my pants get.
